$50 Gift Certificate for $250 Purchase at Amazon Electronics Department

It’s Back. Amazon.com has a new promotion where you Purchase $250 or more of electronics products offered by Amazon.com and receive a promotional certificate for $50 off a future Amazon.com purchase. This offer applies only to Amazon.com purchases made from Sep 29 through Oct 19, 2003.

  • Spend $250 or more in Electronics. Browse our Electronics Store.* Click the Add to Shopping Cart button on the product detail pages of any electronics items offered by Amazon.com. The total amount of your electronics purchase before taxes, shipping, and other promotions must be at least $250. Click the Proceed to Checkout button and place your order. n
  • Receive your $50 promotional certificate. If you do not return the product, we will e-mail you (at the e-mail address you have specified in your account) a promotional code within 4-6 weeks of when your purchase ships.

Click here for the DEAL