Sony HDR-HC5 High Definition Handycam Camcorder $824.25


Dell Home has the Sony HDR-HC5 High Definition Handycam Camcorder for $824.25 after 25% off coupon code “D556RK4J32LG90” (expires 3/23 or 200 uses) with Free Shipping.

  • Real Time HD Codec Engine provides efficient MPEG2 compression, recording and playback of clear HD images n
  • 2.7″ Wide (16:9) LCD screen provides enhanced viewing clarity with improved resolution n
  • Built-in flash improves clarity and detail when taking pictures in low-light situations n
  • Tele Macro function allows close-up shots without the camcorder casting a shadow on the subject n
  • Features active interface shoe to add accessories on the camcorder n
  • i.LINK® interface provides a digital high-speed, bi-directional interface and allows for allows for digital transfer between devices equipped with an IEEE-1394 interface, such as camcorders, digital VTRs, capture cards and PCs

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