Porter-Cable PIN100 23-Gauge Pin Nailer Kit + Kneepads + Tool Pouch $82.98

Amazon.com has a Porter-Cable PIN100 23-Gauge Pin Nailer Kit for $82.98 after $25 rebate with Free Shipping. Free McGuire Nicholas 22382 Gel Lite Pro Flooring Kneepads and McGuire Nicholas 72489SBT 5 Pocket Handyman Tool Pouch after coupon code “FREEKNEE“.

  1. Add the Porter-Cable PIN100 23-Gauge Pin Nailer Kit $107.98
  2. n
  3. Add the McGuire Nicholas 22382 Gel Lite Pro Flooring Kneepads and McGuire Nicholas 72489SBT 5 Pocket Handyman Tool Pouch
    Use the “Buy Both and Save” button.
  4. n
  5. Enter coupon code “FREEKNEE” at checkout
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  7. Send in $25 rebate
  8. n
  9. They also list a 10% off coupon “TOOLDAYS” for the Nailer, but doesn’t seem to work at checkout, you can email Amazon.com after you make the order and have them apply it for you.

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