Sony DRU-800A Internal ATAPI/EIDE Double-Layer/Dual-Format DVD Recorder $31.27 has a Sony DRU-800A Internal ATAPI/EIDE Double-Layer/Dual-Format DVD/CD Recorder for $31.27 after 5% off coupon “SAVECUSTAPPR” and $30 rebate with Free Shipping.

  • 48x max CD-R and 24x max CD-RW burning n
  • Includes black color replacement front panel and Award-winning Nero software suite n
  • Internal EIDE/ATAPI-interface drive with DVD-R Dual-Layer and DVD+R Double-Layer burning n
  • 16x maximum DVD-R/DVD+R burning, 4x maximum double-/dual-layer burning n
  • 8x max DVD+RW burning, 6x DVD-RW burning

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