has a Cuisinart ICE-30BC Pure Indulgence 2-Quart Automatic Frozen Yogurt, Sorbet, and Ice Cream Maker and Cuisinart DLC-5 7-Cup Capacity Food Processor for $129.94 after $30 off $150 Coupon Code “SMAPPJULYBNS” with Free Shipping. Plus you will get a $20 Gift Certificate for $99+ purchase in Kitchen & Housewares and Bed and Bath departments.
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- Add the Cuisinart ICE-30BC Pure Indulgence 2-Quart Automatic Frozen Yogurt, Sorbet, and Ice Cream Maker $79.95 n
- Add the Cuisinart DLC-5 7-Cup Capacity Food Processor $79.99 n
- Enter $30 off $150 Coupon Code “SMAPPJULYBNS” expires 7/31 n
- Total is $159.94 – $30 coupon = $129.94 + $20 GC