Inspiron 700m (1.60GHz), 12.1 inch WXGA, 512MB DDR, 30GB HD $1031.65

Dell Home Systems has an Inspiron 700m Pentium M 725 (1.60GHz/400MHz FSB), 12.1-in WXGA, 512MB DDR 2 DIMMS, 30GB Hard Drive, Integrated Network Card, Internal 56K Modem, 8X Max DVD Drive, Intel PRO/Wireless 2200 Internal Wireless (802.11 b/g, 54Mbps) for $1031.65 after 15% coupon and $200 rebate with Free Shipping.


Final Price should be $1449 – 15% ($217.35)  – $200 rebate = $1031.65 Shipped