HPshopping.com has a Compaq Presario SR1000Z PC, Athlon XP 2500+ operating at 1.83GHz, 256 MB PC2700, 40GB 7200 rpm Hard Drive, 48X . CD-ROM Drive, 2 USB + 1 Firewire + Front Audio Ports, Integrated Via UniChrome Graphics, Integrated 5.1 Capable Sound w/ Front Audio ports, Compaq Keyboard & Scroller Mouse for $318.99 after $50 rebate with Free Shipping.
- n
- Click HERE for the DEAL n
- nnnSelect these options
- n
- nnFREE UPGRADE from 128 MB to 256 MB PC2700 (1 DIMM)
40 GB 5400 rpm Ultra DMA Hard Drive
48X max. CD-ROM Drive
Secondary CD/DVD Drive NONE
2 USB + 1 Firewire + Front Audio Ports
Uncheck 3.5 in. 1.44MB Floppy Drive
Integrated Via UniChrome Graphics
Compaq Keyboard & Scroller Mouse
Speakers NONE
- n
- nnnFinal Price of this setup is $418.99
- nSend in $50 rebate
Final Price should be $318.99 – $50 instant – $50 rebate = $318.99 Shipped