HPshopping.com has a Pavilion a510e PC AMD Athlon XP 2600+ operating at 1.917GHz, 256 MB DDR / PC2700, 40 GB 5400 rpm Hard Drive, 48X Max. CD-ROM Drive, 2 USB 2.0, 1 Firewire ports + WinDVD, Integrated Graphics, Integrated 5.1 Capable Sound w/ front audio ports, HP VF17 17″ LCD Flat Panel Display for $652.97 Shipped after $100 rebate and $10 off $50 coupon code.
- n
- Click here to go to HPshopping n
- nClick on Desktop>> HP Pavilion PCs >> New! a510e series >> Customizen
- nnnSelect these options
- n
- nnSPECIAL PRICE- HP vf17 17″ LCD flat panel display +$150.00
256 MB DDR / PC2700 (1 DIMM) -$40.00
40 GB 5400 rpm Ultra DMA Hard Drive -$20.00
48X Max. CD-ROM Drive -$20.00
Secondary CD/DVD Drive none
Removable Storage none
Integrated Graphics -$50.00
Speakers none
- n
- nnnFinal Price of this setup is $709.98
- nnnEnter $10 off $50 coupon code “SV9237“
- nnSend in $100 rebate
Final Price should be $709.98 – $100 rebate – $10 + $52.99 Shipping = $652.97