These two American Express cards have a Feature call Best Value Guarantee (BVG) which can help you save lots of money on your purchases. You can use these cards to pricematch items that you have bought with a lower price up to 60 days later. It works for online stores also. You can pricematch up to $250 per item. Some of the hottest deals can be done using this BVG feature. An example use of this is when an item has a huge rebate, use the card to buy this item, then wait until a few days before the 60 day limit is up and pricematch it to double dip on the rebate. Another use is to buy the item with a reputable store and then pricematch it against a shady vendor which will usually have it cheaper. This is the safest way to get the lowest price in my opinion.
nAmerican Express Rewards Gold Card $90 Annual Fee
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- Best Value Guarantee, Online Fraud Protection Guarantee, Return Protection, Buyer’s Assurance, Purchase Protection Plan and more…
American Express Business Gold First Year Free (Some people have been able to get this card by using their name as their Business)
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- Best Value Guarantee, Purchase Protection Plan, Return Protection, Buyer’s Assurance Plan, Online Account Management and more…