Update: You can use this new $20 off $75 Coupon no need to add $10 worth of stuff anymore
nHOT!!! OfficeDepot has this Sony CRX195A1 40x12x48x CD-RW Drive for $19.99 after a $20 coupon link and $50 rebates. Free Shipping.
- n
- nn
- n
- nUnder Referral ID enter “HPCF2076“
- n
- nSearch for item # “386166“n
- nAdd Someting worth $10 to get over the $100 mark so the coupon will work.n
- nSend in $50 rebates. Send copy of UPC to Office Depot and Original to Sony.
Final price should be $89.99 – $20 coupon – $50 rebate = $19.99 shipped.