Hot Dell LCD Deals

Dell home has a 20% off all Dell System Upgrades section. Here are some LCDs which are priced very nicely. Search the item # to find these items.  Free Shipping and No taxes for most states. 

  • Dell e151FP 15″ Flat Panel LCD $263.20 Item “320-0542“n
  • Dell e171FP 17″ Flat Panel LCD  $415.20 Item “320-0525“n
  • DELL 1800FP 18″ UltraSharp LCD 1280×1024 $639.20 Item “320-0469“n
  • Dell 1900FP 19″ UltraSharp LCD 1280×1024 $719.20 Item “320-0249“n
  • Dell 2000FP 20″ UltraSharp LCD 1600×1200 $1119.20 Item “320-4105

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