HOT!!! OfficeDepot has a NexDisk 128MB USB Storage Drive + Microsoft 10/100 Wired Ethernet PCI Adapter for $4.69 after $15 coupon and $40 in rebates with Free Shipping.
n- n
- n n
- nSearch for the drive item # “523324” $39.69n
- nnSearch for the Ethernet PCI Adapter item # “664372” $19.98n
- nnEnter $15 off $50 Coupon Code “17022525” during checkoutn
- nnSend in $20 rebaten
- nnSend in $19.98 rebate
Final price should be $39.69 + $19.98 – $15 coupon – $20 rebate – $19.98 rebate = $4.69 shipped.