Axim X5 PDA with 400MHz, 64MB RAM, 48MB ROM + 512MB CF Card $324.21

Today Only.  Dell’s Software & Peripherals has a Axim X5 PDA with 400MHz, 64MB RAM, 48MB ROM + Kingston 512MB CompactFlash Card for $324.21 after an automatic 15% off Axim and 10% off Memory Card and $20 rebate and $40 off $450 coupon “ADBF4D6B8A27with Free Shipping.  

  • Search for  item “4001YR” and “297628-4“.
  • n
  • You must add a small item about $5 to get over $450 so the coupon will work.
  • n
  • They have some Pocket CD-R for $6.95 as a filler item “A0038018“.


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