Stanley Bostitch SRN175-1 1-3/4″ Coil Roofing Nailer + Air Hose $124.99 has the Stanley Bostitch SRN175-1 1-3/4″ Coil Roofing Nailer + Bostitch PRO-1450 ProzHoze 1/4″ x 50′ Premium Polyurethane Air Hose for $124.99 after $25 off $150 Code “ALLTOOLS” with Free Shipping. Use the “Buy Both and Save” button.

  • The Stanley SRN175-1, Coil Roofing Nailer is built like a little tank, performs well under tough conditions, and its light-weight frame will astound you. The Stanley Roofing Nailer only weighs 4.7 lbs. and operates under normal working pressures between 70 and 120 psi. The easy-loading hard plastic canister (otherwise called the magazine) holds 120, or one standard coil, of 15-degree coil roofing nails…any brand. Some features of this tool are standard multi-directional exhaust port and an adjustable shingle guide for accurate shingle layout placement.

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